dagnostica orsolini merate


Taking advantage of ultrasound and doppler effect the venous and arterial Doppler ultrasound allows , non-invasively , Photodynamic to have a representation of the veins and arteries of the upper and lower limbs.
The trend in recent years has led to equipment with compact dimensions that use sophisticated algorithms that matched probes produce the latest generation of highly diagnostic images.
E 'should undergo a venous or arterial Doppler ultrasound of the lower limbs can be recognized if symptoms such as heavy legs , swollen legs or ankles , pruritus, night cramps, tension or pain, presence of dilated veins or capillaries, presence of skin spots, thin or shiny skin, ulcerations , pain during walking.
The examination is always indicated when there is a family history of venous disease , arterial and metabolic.


The Doppler ultrasound of the carotid artery is a non-invasive and highly diagnostic means that the ultrasound produces images and more accurate information about the morphology and the presence / absence of plaques within the carotid ( arteries that carry blood from the heart to the brain). Currently the modern equipment with which they carry out the screening has an algorithm able to measure in a fully automatic way and in diastole the thickness of the media and intima ie the inner part of the arterial wall together with the elasticity of the vessel wall. Modern studies indicate a significant correlation between the increase of the thickness of the media and intima ( IMT ) , the decrease in elasticity of the vessel wall ( QAS) with plaque formation and consequent cardiovascular risk. At the end of the exam will be automatically prints a table in relation to sex , age , race , intimal thickness and elasticity of the vessel wall with identification of vascular risk. The TSA Doppler ultrasound measurement with automatic IMT and QAS is a non-invasive and highly predictive for cardiovascular diseases such as ICTUS and stroke.
Doppler ultrasound


The cardiovascular check-up is a non-invasive diagnostic pathway for the prevention of cardiovascular disease, particularly stroke, infarct, heart disease and venous thrombosis.

Expected 3 Doppler ultrasound vascular ( veins and arteries of the lower limbs and TSA), ECG, Blood tests by capillary, genetic testing for thrombophilia as a buffer salivary, automatic measurement of blood pressure, SpO2 and pulse rate, with ECG cardiology specialist reporting, specialist with the final release of tables of risk and indications of lifestyle, Food and further investigations. The reports are released immediately at the end of the check-up.


Sfruttando gli ultrasuoni l’ecografia permette , non-invasively , di avere una rappresentazione fotografica degli organi e delle strutture corporee. Si possono indagare l’addome ( fegato , colecisti , pancreas , reni , vescica , prostata , ovaie , utero) , il collo (o7z1cb , parotide ecc..) , testicoli , i muscoli e i tendini. L’evoluzione degli ultimi anni ha portato ad avere apparecchiature che utilizzano algoritmi sofisticatissimi che producono immagini altamente diagnostiche. Fra le novità più consistenti , la metodica Elaxto , permette di ottenere informazioni oltre che morfologiche e flussimetriche anche elastometriche. Sfruttando l’elasticità dei tessuti è possibile una prima diagnosi fra formazioni benigne e potenzialmente maligne. The method consists of performing compressions with the probe at the level of the organ to be examined , here the different tissue responses are recorded and analyzed by means of special processing algorithms by displaying graphical representations useful for the differential diagnosis. The method is based on the principle that malignant neoplasms are less elastic than the benign and can provide information to define the structure of liquid in rigid. The exam usually lasts 20/30 minutes , you are lying down or sitting , requires no special preparations if not , in some cases , fasting for a few hours and a full bladder.


The check-up is a very important tool for the prevention of diseases. Currently, in addition to the normal diagnostic tests is available a number of genetic parameters for predicting the risk of developing certain diseases and then to prevent them with targeted controls , focused therapies or changes in lifestyle. After filling out a questionnaire to the first level you will see a specialist from which emerge the indications for a proper check up. Will be offered a complete service with professional taxi and handling paperwork for the specific tests are not possible in the. It will also be possible to integrate the normal examinations with specific genetic testing , executables from a sample of saliva , targeted identification of predisposing factors for certain diseases. At the end of the check-up , generally runs on one or two half-days will be issued , in addition to the reports of all tests performed , A final report containing the therapeutic indications , Food , lifestyle or further inquiries. All examinations will be carried out with the most modern equipment available and with innovative guidelines on the prevention of diseases.
dna and chromosomes


For patients who are being subjecting to a surgery for breast neoplasia , colon or prostate can use the service to search for genes predictive pathology in question. At the end of the intervention will be made of the slides on the sample removed and sent to a lab American , unique validated for the procedure , that within 15 gg. will send a report gene , useful element to decide the best treatment and the possibility of recurrence. The test is under development today and validated for breast tumors , colon and prostate.


  • www.tipmedix.com