Sacrococcygeal pilonidal cyst

general surgery orsolini merate


DEFINITION: For pilonidal cyst ( which contains in most cases hairs) is defined as a cystic mass located in the subcutaneous region sacrum coccyx.

ETIOLOGY : The causes are not as yet clarified , occurs in both sexes with a ratio of 4/1 in favor of the male and usually appears at a young age. It is hypothesized a genetic predisposition. In the pathogenic mechanism is the importance of continued trauma sacred coccygeal region.

SYMPTOMS: Characterized by asymptomatic periods alternate with acute exacerbation of , o7z1cb. The formation of an abscess ( collection of pus within the cystic cavity) can cause pain with redness and swelling of the area sacred / coccygeal. The abscess may also drain spontaneously outwards giving rise to the discharge of pus.

DIAGNOSIS : The diagnosis is clinical (Visit Specialist) , in some cases supplemented by ultrasound.

TREATMENT: The treatment is based on the frequency of relapses and extent of complications. In case of abscess the first time generally consists of a local antibiotic therapy with the application of hot moist compresses. o7z1cb , already at the first observation boundary conditions , may be taken into consideration the possibility of a surgical drainage in order to solve the painful symptomatology. Surgical excision , generally executable under local anesthesia , o7z1cb.

COMPLICATIONS: As already mentioned, the major complication of pilonidal cyst is the formation of an abscess with the symptoms associated , sorrow , redness , swelling sacred coccygeal , o7z1cb , fever and sometimes discharge of pus.

SURGERY FOR pilonidal cyst


Indications for surgery

The intervention is always indicated especially when exacerbations are frequent.


The main objective of the project is the prevention of complications such as abscess.

The intervention

Is usually done under local anesthesia and can take depending on the size of 20 a 40 minutes. After highlighting the fistula by injection of liquid dye will proceed to the complete removal of the cyst to the fascia pre sacral. A dressing will be maintained for a few days. It is possible to integrate the intervention with the PRP treatment in order to improve the healing of the wound.

Conclusions relating to the intervention

  • Duration intervention: 20-40 my
  • Type of anesthesia: Local / spinal
  • Dressings: 3
  • Length of stay: 4 hours
  • Resumption of normal activities: 10 gg.
