plastic surgery orsolini merate

fan ears

DEFINITION: The protruding ears are a common defect of the ear characterized by their boss to the outside. The disease is corrected only for aesthetic reasons do not constitute any limitation of functional.

ETIOLOGY: For protruding ears can recognize a hereditary predisposition , affects both sexes and is acquired at birth. May be unilateral.

SYMPTOMS: The disease is asymptomatic.

DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis is clinical (Visit Specialist).

TREATMENT: The treatment is essentially surgical means Otoplasty. We practice in local anesthesia , by making two small incisions along the groove behind the ear. From here, there is the plastic of the ear. During the surgery can be corrected other ear problems. At the end we apply a dressing to bandage to keep for a few days.

COMPLICATIONS: Dell'otoplastica Complications are rare and characterized mainly by keloids or hypertrophic scars , that are still barely visible.


Indications for surgery

Since this is a purely aesthetic problem is the indication for surgery when the disease negatively influences the life of relationship.


The goal of the project is to achieve the aesthetic result in predetermined visit. During the operation will eventually be corrected as other defects of the ear pavilion flat , irregolare form , cracking or malformations of the size of the lobes.

The intervention

It is performed under local anesthesia and can last from 20 a 30 minutes. They are treated in a single session both ears. Incision is made along the groove behind the ear ( back of the ear) and it removes a part of the cartilage and eventually cute. You can also perform laser with similar results to the conventional method. The scars will remain masked in the natural folds of the ear.

Conclusions relating to the intervention
  • Duration intervention: 20-30 my
  • Type of anesthesia: Local
  • Dressings: 2
  • Length of stay: 3 hours
  • Resumption of normal activities: 8/10 gg.



  • www.tipmedix.com