aesthetic medicine orsolini merate


DEFINITION: A pray is a fold on the skin surface. It consists in a failure of the skin structures due to a lack of collagen. Even the lack of elastin, protein that is responsible for the smoothness of the skin, has a certain role.

ETIOLOGY: Starting from twenty-five years of age begins the process of physiological aging of our organism in which wrinkles are formed of the face due to a decrease of hyaluronic acid production . Other causes are age , genetic factors , environmental , constitutional and sun exposure. However, there are cases of premature wrinkles due to excessive sun exposure, to poor skin care and pollution

SYMPTOMS: The wrinkles of the face are asymptomatic.

DIAGNOSIS : The diagnosis is clinical (Visit Specialist).

TREATMENT: The treatment is based on the infiltration of hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin. The’hyaluronic acid is one of the fundamental components of the connective tissues and gives the skin resistance properties and shape retention. The lack leads to a weakening of the skin by promoting the formation of wrinkles , therefore its infiltration restores the skin property. The botulinum toxin is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Its infiltration ( Botox) inhibits the release of acetylcholine in the muscles a neurotransmitter that do not reach the muscles blocks the formation of wrinkles. The Botox is then used to eliminate the so-called expression lines, caused by the contraction of facial muscles, between the eyebrows, wrinkles interciliary, crow's feet and for the treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

COMPLICATIONS: The infiltrations with hyaluronic acid and purified botulinum toxin, are extensively tested for many years and there are no particular contraindications or complications. Rarely with botulinum toxin there may be a ptosis of the upper eyelid, lasting 3 weeks and then reversible.

DRIPPING WITH hyaluronic acid and BOTOX

Indications for surgery

The indication for surgery is when you want to find non-invasively a more youthful appearance. Surely the botulinum toxin can reduce and mitigate the expression lines that are caused by continuous use of mimic muscles Forehead. Recall that Botox can only correct wrinkles and furrows caused by’action of the mimic muscles and if they are not caused by’ skin aging or wrinkles are very deep. In these cases it may associate other treatments such as fillers (Collagen, Hyaluronic acid), lifting o blefaroplastica.


The infiltration of purified botulinum toxin begin to give good results after 4 days after treatment and reach maximum effectiveness after a month. The effects last for about 5 months and disappear gradually.

The intervention

Treatment with Botox or hyaluronic acid is an outpatient procedure and without anesthesia, and lasts about 15-20 minutes. The botulinum toxin or hyaluronic acid are injected with a small syringe respectively in the muscles and in the dermis.

Conclusions relating to the intervention

  • Duration intervention: 20 my
  • Type of anesthesia: no
  • Dressings: 0
  • Length of stay: no
  • Resumption of normal activities: immediate



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