Varicose veins

Written by Orsolini on . Posted in BLOG


DEFINITION: For varicose veins of the lower limbs is defined as a 'anatomical alteration of the superficial veins of the lower limbs which become tortuous , elongated , dilated and home to reflux.

ETIOLOGY: Predominantly affect the female sex , due to hormonal factors and pregnancies , with a ratio of 3:1 and with peak between 50/60 years. Other risk factors include being overweight , Diets low in protein and upright protracted.

SYMPTOMS: The varicose veins of the lower limbs may be completely asymptomatic or in some cases bring a sense of heaviness with pain and cramps. However, it is recommended a specialist in the presence of one or more of the following conditions: heavy legs , pruritus , swollen legs or ankles , night cramps , tension or pain , presence of skin spots , thin or shiny skin , ulcers , presence of dilated veins , or capillaries within the family members who suffer from venous disease.

DIAGNOSIS : The diagnosis is clinical (Visit Specialist) and instrumental means of superficial and deep venous Doppler ultrasound of the lower limbs.( Dynamic ultrasound color of the venous circulation of the lower limbs).

TREATMENT: For the treatment of varicose veins , omitting the methods now universally considered bankruptcy , too risky or those who do not have a reason for being scientific but only propaganda , We can now make use of: Therapy Natural / Homeopathic – Medical Therapy Pharmacologic – Elastic Restraint – Sclerosing therapy – Surgical Therapy. Currently , when there is an indication , the ligation associated with retraction of the telescopic endovascular vein incontinent is the safest method and provides the best aesthetic results. It runs under local anesthesia with rapid discharge.

COMPLICATIONS: Aesthetic problem in the varicose veins of the lower limbs expose the patient at risk of serious complications , the impact of which is far from negligible: Varicotromboflebite > thrombosis , formation of "clot" of blood with inflammation of the wall of a superficial vein , is manifested by redness and pain to the lower limb - Deep vein thrombosis (Thrombosis of a deep vein , is manifested by pain and swelling of the leg and exposes the patient to the risk of pulmonary embolism) - Ulcers (loss of substance of the skin and subcutaneous tissue that does not tend to spontaneous recovery) - Lipodermosclerosi ( area di e endured cute iperpigmentata) – Dermatitis (persistent inflammation of the skin of the lower limbs, which is manifested by edema ,croste and squame ed è often itchy – Bleeding (are possible when a varix due to the previously mentioned factors , is no longer effectively "protected" by the layer skin / subcutaneous – edema ( specific swelling of the lower limb).

SURGERY FOR varicose veins

In the venous circulation of the lower limbs when the direction of blood flow is reversed and is set in a reflux from the deep circulation in the superficial varicose veins are the result of the complications associated with.

Indications for surgery

The intervention is always indicated when there is a condition of reflux from the deep veins in the superficial and perforating veins through which the joints directly saphenous / femoral and popliteal saphenous. The diagnosis is clinical , confirmed dall'ecocolordoppler ultrasound dynamic color that allows to obtain a precise photograph of the venous system of the lower limbs.


The main objective of the project is the prevention of complications in the first place thrombophlebitis. The technique we adopted under local anesthesia still allows you to have the best aesthetic results ( absence of sutures) , to walk immediately after the operation and resume normal activities, including the early work. Obviously venous disease , in the great majority of cases , is part of a general condition hereditary therefore even after surgery in order to maintain the limb in the best possible conditions both from the point of view of the risks to the complications , from that symptom and from the aesthetic , will be appropriate to undergo a venous Doppler ultrasound of the lower limbs with at least 2 times a year before and after the Summer.

The intervention

It is performed under local anesthesia and can last depending on the indication by 20 a 40 minutes. The few and small surgical incisions , compatibly with the specific pathology , are performed at particular points and synthesized with intradermal suture so the final scar will be hardly visible . At the end of the intervention will be applied elastic stocking to maintain for a few days. It is possible to integrate the intervention with the PRP treatment in order to improve the final aesthetic result of surgical wounds.

Conclusions relating to the intervention

  • Duration intervention: 20-40 my
  • Type of anesthesia: Local
  • Dressings: 2
  • Length of stay: 4 hours
  • Resumption of normal activities: 5/8 gg.

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