The check-up is a very important tool for the prevention of diseases. Currently, in addition to the normal diagnostic tests is available a number of genetic parameters for predicting the risk of developing certain diseases and then to prevent them with targeted controls , focused therapies or changes in lifestyle. After filling out a questionnaire to the first level you will see a specialist from which emerge the indications for a proper check up. Will be offered a complete service with professional taxi and handling paperwork for the specific tests are not possible in the. It will also be possible to integrate the normal examinations with specific genetic testing , executables from a sample of saliva , targeted identification of predisposing factors for certain diseases. At the end of the check-up , generally runs on one or two half-days will be issued , in addition to the reports of all tests performed , A final report containing the therapeutic indications , Food , lifestyle or further inquiries. All examinations will be carried out with the most modern equipment available and with innovative guidelines on the prevention of diseases.

dna and chromosomes
