vascular surgery orsolini merate

Varicose veins

DEFINITION: For varicose veins of the lower limbs is defined as a 'anatomical alteration of the superficial veins of the lower limbs which become tortuous , elongated , dilated and home to reflux.
The intervention
It is performed under local anesthesia and can last depending on the indication by 20 a 40 minutes. The few and small surgical incisions , compatibly with the specific pathology , are performed at particular points and synthesized with intradermal suture so the final scar will be hardly visible . At the end of the intervention will be applied elastic stocking to maintain for a few days. It is possible to integrate the intervention with the PRP treatment in order to improve the final aesthetic result of surgical wounds.

Conclusions relating to the intervention
Duration intervention: 20-40 my
Type of anesthesia: Local
Dressings: 2
Length of stay: 4 hours
Resumption of normal activities: 5/8 gg.

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Leg ulcers

DEFINITION: For ulcers of the lower limbs is defined as a skin lesion / subcutaneous that does not tend to spontaneous recovery.
The intervention
It is performed under local anesthesia and can last depending on the extent ulcer 40 a 60 minutes. Initially, the patient picks up a small amount of blood which is then inserted in a centrifuge to select growth factors tissue. At the same time you run a local anesthesia in the donor area , normally the front face or back of the thigh. With a dermatome is removed a portion of the dermis and epidermis that is laid on a support soaked in antibiotic. It then carries out a section of the skin to fit perfectly to the size of the ulcer. At this point you aspire growth factors prepared in advance and create a preparation where immerse the skin donor. The ulcer properly prepared and sterilized is now ready to receive the skin donor after having infiltrated the base with growth factors. It then performs a dressing that will be maintained for 5/7 gg.

Conclusions relating to the intervention

Duration intervention: 40-60 my
Type of anesthesia: Local
Dressings: 3
Length of stay: 1 now
Resumption of normal activities: In relation to the underlying disease
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