general surgery orsolini merate


DEFINITION: For hemorrhoids indicates un'ectasia of the veins of the anal canal that can cause bleeding.

ETIOLOGY : As with varicose veins of the lower limbs there is definitely a hereditary predisposition. Other risk factors are physical inactivity , constipation , pregnancy and portal hypertension.

SYMPTOMS: Hemorrhoids are normally characterized by the absence of significant pain relief except to the complication of thrombosis.. The first symptom is generally the bleeding, normally after defecation. A sense of heaviness associated with itching and mild pain symptoms or bleeding may occur as a result of taking certain foods or drinks. To avoid coffee , alcohol , Chocolate , dried fruit , meats and spicy foods.

DIAGNOSIS : The diagnosis is clinical (Visit Specialist) , there are no specific laboratory examinations even if in the presence of hemorrhoids is always recommended a colonoscopy.

TREATMENT: For the treatment of hemorrhoids are divided the various degrees of the disease.

Hemorrhoids grade I: Internal hemorrhoids more voluminous than normal , asymptomatic > therapy: Bioflavonoids + regularization of the intestinal.

Emorroidi says 2nd degree: Hemorrhoids that protrude outward only after defecation and then reduce spontaneously > therapy : Bioflavonoids + regularization of the intestinal / surgical hemorrhoidectomy bleeding if repeated over time.

Emorroidi says 3rd degree: Hemorrhoids that protrude externally and manually reducible only > therapy: surgical hemorrhoidectomy.

Emorroidi says 4th grade: Hemorrhoids constantly protruding and irreducible > therapy: surgical hemorrhoidectomy.

Surgical therapy (hemorrhoidectomy) with both techniques Milligan / Morgan , Parks , Ferguson or Longo has as its goal the elimination of the final package hemorrhoidal. Hemorrhoids are three relevant packages and can not be the whole , you can then implement a surgical therapy targeted mono or bifocal. They are all actions executed under local anesthesia.

COMPLICATIONS: The first complication is that the mucosal prolapse can be reduced spontaneously ( emorroidi says 2nd degree) or not shrink spontaneously ( emorroidi says 3rd degree). The thrombosed hemorrhoid characterized by pain and swelling hard and painful. Bleeding which can be more or less conspicuous , which should not be underestimated since even a small loss of blood repeated on days (oozing haemorrhage) can lead to serious frameworks anemia.

SURGERY hemorrhoidectomy

Indications for surgery

The indication for surgery when there is always the cause of bleeding hemorrhoids are frequent or when prove to be constantly prolapsed. However, when the presence always makes it difficult to perform the usual activities.


The goal of the project is the elimination of / packages and hemorrhoidal recurrences. The technique we adopted under local anesthesia allows you to walk immediately after the operation and resume normal activities, including the early work. The use of modern materials and the abandonment of the practice of buffer post / operative justifies the reduction of discomfort post / operative typical of past interventions.

The intervention

It is performed under local anesthesia and can last depending on the indication by 30 a 60 minutes. Normally we deal in a single sitting one or when its size permits 2 packages hemorrhoidal. This allows you to minimize post-operative discomfort. The single package hemorrhoidal will be isolated and removed.

Conclusions relating to the intervention
  • Duration intervention: 30-60 my
  • Type of anesthesia: Local
  • Dressings: 1
  • Length of stay: 5 hours
  • Resumption of normal activities: 2 gg. ( emorroidectomia Monofocal)



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