plastic surgery orsolini merate


DEFINITION: For Gynecomastia is defined as the presence of the salience of breast in a male. This situation may arise with different degrees of severity and is divided into two groups: the true gynecomastia and pseudo-gynecomastia or false gynecomastia. In the first case is characterized by the presence of gland, in the second of adipose tissue.

ETIOLOGY: affects the males, from development onwards. The cause may be hormonal (excess of female hormones), Drug (There are medications that promote) or idiopathic (dispositional). It 'still favored by weight gain. For the reasons described above it is always good to investigate the hormonal status of the patients.

SYMPTOMS: is usually asymptomatic but in some cases there may be pain in the (mastodinie).

DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis is clinical (Visit Specialist), but must be integrated with an ultrasound (to understand how much gland is present and if there are some problems with this component) and, in the case of true gynecomastia, send dall'endocrinologo.

TREATMENT: The treatment is essentially surgical by liposuction, if the glandular component is minimal, to which is added excision with periareolar incision but if you have to also remove the gland.

COMPLICATIONS: in experienced hands the complications of this surgery are slim to none and include a possible postoperative bleeding which is easily controlled with a simple surgical revision.


Indications for surgery

The indication for surgery is the more the breast is represented and creates a significant psychological distress: problems remain to bust dress and discovered (lecture, sea). Furthermore, there exists the possibility of degeneration of the gland and therefore the indication is the removal preventive.


The objective of the visit is to reach as fixed in restoring a proper masculine profile. There you will expose to the sun or tanning lamps make for at least 30/ gg.

The intervention

It is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 60 minutes. If performed with liposuction alone are practiced 2 minimal incisions, sideways (0,5 cm), from which you can access with a special cannula to suck out the excess fabric. If you have to perform even the mastectomy (namely the removal of the glandular tissue) will be carried out in addition an incision around the areola, from which we can eliminate the gland. In very important cases it gets even having to also perform vertical incisions (dall'areola to the furrow) since the fabric to remove leaves too much skin that can not retract. In fact, these cases are very rare because we prefer to perform the surgery in 2-3 sessions in order to give the possibility to the skin to retract alone.

Conclusions relating to the intervention

  • Duration intervention: 60 my
  • Type of anesthesia: General
  • Dressings: 4
  • Length of stay: 24h ore
  • Resumption of normal activities: 8/10 gg.

