plastic surgery orsolini merate


DEFINITION: The defects aesthetic / functional characteristics of the nose are corrected by rhinoplasty which is a generic term that groups all actions against the nose. The nose, in fact, can present abnormalities in all its components that may result in changes to the profile and impediments in the breath.

ETIOLOGY: the causes that may lead to alterations in shape of the nose are accretion or traumatic. The first features usually come from family, the latter are completely random, but it should be noted that even small repeated traumas, often overlooked, can lead to the formation of callus that modify the nasal structures.

SYMPTOMS: stand if they cause aesthetic or functional problems or dysfunctions of breathing less.

DIAGNOSIS : The diagnosis is clinical (Visit Specialist), but you have to integrate with an exploration of the nasal cavity (speculum, fibroscopia) and a CAT scan if you do not breathe well.

TREATMENT: The treatment is essentially surgical means rhinoplasty.

COMPLICATIONS: in experienced hands the complications of this surgery are virtually nil.

Rhinoplasty surgery

Indications for surgery

The indication for surgery when the profile is altered creates psychological distress. In addition, often the defects in the nose give functional alterations of respiration.


The objective of the visit is to reach the pre-set in trying to correct the alterations present and make the nose to the homogeneous characteristics of the face. If there remain functional problems the objective is to restore the flow dynamics respiratory. There you will expose to the sun or tanning lamps make for at least 30/ gg.

The intervention

It is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 60 minutes. Incisions are made inside the nostrils as invisible. The patient usually will wake up from anesthesia with 2 nasal swabs and a chalk restraining the back. The first are removed the next morning, the splint after c 7 gg.

Conclusions relating to the intervention

  • Duration intervention: 60 my
  • Type of anesthesia: General
  • Dressings: 4
  • Length of stay: 24h ore
  • Resumption of normal activities: 8/10 gg.

