Dermatochalasis ABDOMINAL

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DEFINITION: For dermatochalasis abdominal means the presence of an apron dermato-adipose level belly.

ETIOLOGY: the presence of such accumulation can be given by an excessive body weight, by the decrease in body weight that leaves empty the skin and the outcome of pregnancy.

SYMPTOMS: is usually asymptomatic but in case you create a hindrance represented very functional with problems of inflammation (intertrigine).

DIAGNOSIS : The diagnosis is clinical (Visit Specialist), in some cases, an ultrasound of the abdominal wall can reveal the presence of hernias or analyze a diastasis recti.

TREATMENT: The treatment is essentially surgical incision through at a supra-pubic (the scar will fall within the slip). Through this access is going to get rid of excess that usually gets to the line of the navel. In fact, often the navel is reinserted in belly. If there are defects in the wall and / or to be able to squeeze more life is going to intervene on the abdominal muscles. To complete the effect then liposuction is used to draw the best new silhouette.

COMPLICATIONS: in experienced hands the complications of this surgery are rare and include any post-operative bleeding which is easily controlled with a simple surgical revision.

Tummy tuck surgery

Indications for surgery

The indication for surgery is much more a hindrance determines the redundant functional. In addition, you are also able to correct the defects brought about by pregnancy.


The objective of the visit is to reach as fixed in restoring a harmonic profile. There you will expose to the sun or tanning lamps make for at least 30/ gg.

The intervention

It is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 90 minutes. The suprapubic incision is horizontal and, When you move the navel, even within the umbilical scar. There is also the so-called "miniabdominoplasty" reserved for cases in which the excess is fully correctable with only the lower abdomen and disconnect this technique allows you to not engrave the navel.

Conclusions relating to the intervention

  • Duration intervention: 90 my
  • Type of anesthesia: General
  • Dressings: 4
  • Length of stay: 48h ore
  • Resumption of normal activities: 15-20 gg.

