plastic surgery orsolini merate

blefarocalasiDEFINITION: For blefarocalasi means a relaxation of the skin of the eyelid associated with a loss of his tone . This can cause problems in the field of view of the person if you come up to the roof of the pupil. The disease can be corrected both for purely aesthetic reasons and for reasons of functional type.

ETIOLOGY: It affects both sexes and occurs preferentially after 45 aa.

SYMPTOMS: The pathology is asymptomatic but with his progress can reduce the visual field to the point of influence postural attitudes cervical abnormal.

DIAGNOSIS: The diagnosis is clinical (Visit Specialist) , instrumental examinations are not necessary except in the case of a decrease in visual acuity in which case it requires the measurement of the visual field.

TREATMENT: The treatment is essentially surgical through blepharoplasty which consists in removing a part of the eyelid and excess suture together the remaining flaps. The surgery is carried out also for aesthetic purposes since the eyelid once treated acquires a fuller, more toned giving the face a more youthful appearance. The surgery can be performed under local anesthesia with early discharge.

COMPLICATIONS: In experienced hands, the complications of this surgery are virtually nil.

OF SURGERY Blepharoplasty

INDICATIONS intervention

The indication for surgery when there is always the skin that covers the eyes prevents , covering the eyelids , normal vision ( This sometimes affects an attitude spoiled the neck with possible cervical) , o7z1cb.


o7z1cb. If the reason lies in the difficulty of vision caused by an excess of skin over the orbital improvement will be immediate and normally final. If, however, the reason is essentially aesthetic then can integrate the intervention with other treatments in order to achieve the desired result. We can not expose to sunlight or tanning lamps make for at least 30/ gg.

The intervention

It is performed under local anesthesia and can last from 20 a 30 minutes. Normally we deal in one sitting the two upper eyelids or lower. Important moment will be the definition of surgical lines to follow to achieve the desired result. Incision is made on the eyelid where the scar will remain cloaked in the natural folds.

Conclusions relating to the intervention

  • Duration intervention: 20-30 my
  • Type of anesthesia: Local
  • Dressings: 2
  • Length of stay: 4 hours
  • Resumption of normal activities: 8/10 gg. ( conditioning aesthetic)
